Riding the school bus is a privilege, not a right. The school district’s general student behavior rules are in effect for all students on school buses. The school district will not provide transportation for students whose transportation privileges have been revoked.
The school district is committed to transporting students in a safe and orderly manner. To accomplish this, student riders are expected to follow school district rules for waiting at a school bus stop and for riding on a school bus.
While waiting for the bus or after being dropped off at a school bus stop, all students must comply with the following rules:
- Get to the bus stop five minutes before your scheduled pick up time. The school bus driver will not wait for late students.
- Respect the property of others while waiting at the bus stop.
- Keep your arms, legs, and belongings to yourself.
- Use appropriate language.
- Stay away from the street, road, or highway when waiting for the bus.
- Wait until the bus stops before approaching the bus.
- After getting off the bus, move away from the bus.
- If you must cross the street, always cross in front of the bus where the driver can see you. Wait for the driver to signal to you before crossing the street.
- No fighting, harassment, intimidation, or horseplay.
- No use of alcohol, tobacco, vaping, or drugs.
While riding a school bus, all riders must comply with the following rules:
- Follow the driver’s directions at all times.
- Remain seated facing forward while the bus is in motion.
- Talk quietly and use appropriate language.
- Keep all parts of your body inside the bus.
- Keep arms, legs, and belongings to yourself and out of the aisle.
- No fighting, harassment, intimidation, or horseplay.
- Do not throw any object.
- No eating, drinking, or use of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs.
- Do not bring any weapons or dangerous objects on the school bus.
- Do not damage the school bus.
Consequences for school bus/bus stop misconduct will be imposed by the school district under administrative discipline procedures. All school bus/bus stop misconduct will be reported to the school district’s transportation safety director.
POTENTIAL CONSEQUENCES The progressive discipline procedures below are designed to improve and prevent a recurrence of the behavior. Administrators reserve the right to combine or skip steps depending on the facts of each situation. |
Grades K-12 | Verbal warning, written warning, parent/legal guardian contact, Principal conference with student, bus suspension, in/out of school suspension, removal of transportation services; Referral to law enforcement |
Activities and Athletics |
Eligibility to participate in school sponsored activities may be jeopardized. For more information see an administrator or activities/athletic directors or visit the MSHSL Eligibility Brochure |